Saturday, 22 May 2010

let me explain

I am having trouble lining up my words with my pictures. It takes so darn long to upload pictures, that I can't be patient enough to do them in 1's or 2's, so I do 4...but that leaves me with the editing problem. Since I seem to always blog while I am cooking dinner, something is always burning right when I am getting ready to futz around with let me explain. Another weekend, another hike..we several in the last few weeks. The Stinging Nettle one was with friends of ours here, the Cruikshanks...think Hermione Granger's cat. Anyway. We were off on this lovely hike, it had started off raining, then turned beautiful and we roamed through this great countryside, up to an ancient church which dated back prior to the Roman times and you could see for miles. We found an old bunker from WWII where soldiers/citizens would stand on guard for signs of can see us lifting various children onto it. But the leaves.

James Cruickshanks, Matthew friend was leading the charge with Matthew in hot pursuit, but of course he got distracted and had to climb every rock and tree stump we came across. They were quite far ahead when we heard the screams. Apparently, Matthew tried to cross a gully on a fallen log, sadly he slipped and fell with a few scraps, but worse, he fell INTO a HUGE patch of stinging nettle.(that is the picture without any hands or flowers). I had no experience with this plant, but as I looked at his hands and back and watched the welts form, I thought, hmmm..we may have a problem. Luckily, Mary(James' mom) also works at the school and helps run the garden there and immediately had us all searching for Dock leaves..well her family was searching..we didn't know what there were. It turns out these 2 plants grow near each other routinely and 1 counter-act the other. So, as we were miles from the car, we began making bandages of these leaves, including stuffing them down Matthew underwear...I told you he fell into a HUGE PATCH! Anyway, within about 15 mins(he would claim hours) the welts were gone and just a vague numbness remained. Whew, that goodness we took had the locals with us for that one!!!

Next up is rapeseed and nuclear power plants

Stinging Nettle and Dock leaves

Dead nettle..these are ok to touch

Dock leaves..very important: counter-acts stinging nettle

Stinging NettleDo not touch..or fall into